The Ordinary War with Irritability by Bobby Scott (Desiring God)
4 (Possible) Reasons for Unanswered Prayer by Justin Dillehay (The Gospel Coalition)
Mark 5:21-43 by Rob Myallis
Learning to Live with Loss by David P. Barshinger (The Gospel Coalition)
He Has Not Failed Me Yet by Vaneetha Rendall Risner (Desiring God)
A Biblical Typology of Red-Purple: How a Color Points to Christ by Elliot Stevens (The Gospel Coalition)
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
How much does a mistake cost? by Seth Godin
The Availability Bias: How to Overcome a Common Cognitive Distortion by Farnam Street
A Big Little Idea Called Legibility by Venkatesh Rao
The Paradox Of Competition: It Either Raises Your Game Or Causes You To Quit by Steve Magness
Dads Just Want to Help by Arthur Brooks (The Atlantic)
The Gift of a Distracted Dad by Elliot Clark (The Gospel Coalition)
Should You Use Ice After an Injury? by Zachary Walston
A Posture-Perfecting Exercise You May Not Have Tried by Anna Maltby
The Health Benefits of Coffee by Jane Brody (The New York Times)
Are continuous glucose monitors a waste of time for people without diabetes? by Peter Attia
The Breath Is a Back Door to Your Vagus Nerve by Markham Heid
How To Use A Slant Board Properly by Kelly Starrett (The Ready State)
How Euro 2020 Rescued the Role of the Modern Midfielder by Ryan O'Hanlon
Against Overwhelming Odds by Ryan French (The Fire Pit Collective)
Seeking Her First Major, Ally Ewing Keeps Her Focus on a Higher Mission by Steve Eubanks (LPGA)
Table Stakes: Unblock Your Business by Permanent Equity
How Much Do You Need to Be Financially Independent? by Nick Maggiulli
Ultimate Retirement Calculator by Todd Tresidder
Finance is Broken But Don’t Worry, This Has Happened Before by Evan Armstrong
Seizing The Middle: Chess Strategy in Business by Farnam Street
How to grade physics problems faster: Hint #1, mindset by Greg Jacobs
How to speed grading #2 - preventing complaints - corrections, not comments by Greg Jacobs
Building Trust With Expectations by Steve Barkley
What is Escape Velocity? by Rhett Allain
The Brain Isn’t Supposed to Change This Much by Ed Yong (The Atlantic)
How Software Is Eating the Car by Robert Charette (IEEE Spectrum)
5 Scientific Revolutions That NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope Will Deliver by Ethan Siegel