Love Beyond Telling by Marshall Segal (Desiring God)
Mark 9:38-50 by Rob Myallis
Mark 9:38-50 (focus on Hell) by Rob Myallis
Autumn’s Comfort for the Grieving by Kaitlin Miller (The Gospel Coalition)
True Christianity Is a Fight by Scott Hubbard (Desiring God)
Plant With Fervor by Sarah Ann Rogers (Northwood Church)
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
History's Seductive Beliefs by Morgan Housel
Two Rare—But Powerful—Words: “It Depends” by Brad Stulberg (The Growth Equation)
Does low cholesterol cause cognitive impairment? Part II by Peter Attia
A No-Equipment Move to Wake Up Your Glutes and Abs by Anna Maltby (Better Humans)
The Power of Heat Training by Keenan Eriksson (The Ready State)
Why Single-Leg Strength Exercises Should Form the Majority of Your “Leg Day” by Sam Geurts (Better Humans)
Bruce Fleisher had golf in perspective, making his late-career success that much sweeter by John Feinstein (Golf Digest)
CWS Market Review – September 28, 2021 by Eddy Elfenbein
Writing In Public, Inside Your Company by Brie Wolfson
The three kinds of non-fiction books by Cedric Chin
What Ted Lasso Can Teach About Schooling by Francesca Pickett
Against 3X Speed by David Perell
Understanding Research Papers: A Guide For Teachers by Carolina Kuepper-Tetzel (The Learning Scientists)
Twist Biosciences: the DNA API by Alex Danco
Why is the Electric Field Zero Inside a Spherical Conductor? by Rhett Allain
Are we ready? Understanding just how big solar flares can get by Christopher Crockett (Knowable Magazine)