Septuagint by Greg Lanier (Desiring God)
3 Reasons for Hope in the Face of Grief and Worry by Alistair Begg (The Gospel Coalition)
The Seven Heavenly Virtues by Ryan Griffith (Desiring God)
Mark 12:38-44 by Rob Myallis
Revelation 21:1-6 by Rob Myallis
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
Which Works Better: Habits or Projects? by Scott Young
When Facebook Came Calling… by Cal Newport
Thoughts on Good Coaching by Joe Friel
How to Prepare for the Metaverse by Ian Harber and Patrick Miller (The Gospel Coalition)
Foot Anatomy 101 (“Normal” vs “Natural”) by Aaron Horschig
A Rotational Exercise To Strengthen the Outer Thighs and Obliques by Anna Maltby (Better Humans)
The Most Important Shoulder Position You Are Not Keeping an Eye On (Why We’re Obsessed With Internal Rotation) by Kelly Starrett (The Ready State)
“Just Rest” Is Horrible Advice for Injuries. I Found a Better Approach to Rehab by Sam Geurts
A Raynor for the People: Rock Spring by Garrett Morrison (The Fried Egg)
Dr. Bob Rotella — No Laying Up Podcast Takeaways by Chris Parsons
Dues Paid in Full, the Braves Are World Champions by Tom Verducci (Sports Illustrated)
Atlanta reliever Tyler Matzek an inspiration after regaining control of his career by Jack Harris (Los Angeles Times)
A Data Driven Approach Game by Matt Saternus (Plugged In Golf)
7 Attractive Financial Benefits and Freedoms of Starting New Businesses by Opher Ganel
Let’s vote on it by Seth Godin
Science Stuff: Numbers, Units, and Measurements by Rhett Allain
Academia: Assessment (Cri de Coeur Edition) by Timothy Burke
A Job Description for Instructional Coaches? by Steve Barkley
Pretesting: The Benefits of Errorful Generation by Blake Harvard
Submarine Cable Map by TeleGeography
The Longest Ever Flight Was Over 64 Days in a Cessna 172 by Lewin Day