New Year Hope from the Exodus Desert by Clarissa Moll (The Gospel Coalition)
The Good War Against Moods by Joe Rigney (Desiring G0d)
Words Matter Because the Heart Matters by Paul Tripp (The Gospel Coalition)
Luke 3:15-22 by Rob Myallis
How One Question Revived My Faith by Beth Claes (The Gospel Coalition)
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
5 Powerful Ideas by Maria Montessori to Integrate into Your Toddler's Life by Manuela Putz (Better Humans)
Ten (More) Questions for a New Year by Don Whitney (Desiring God)
Our Friends Shape Us More than We Think by Emily Jensen (The Gospel Coalition)
Generative hobbies by Seth Godin
Helping Students Avoid Meta-Essay Moves by Paul Thomas
What It Takes to Be an Effective Public Scholar by Frederick Hess
Catalyse learning using schemas by Sarah Cottingham
Psychology in the Classroom – Selective Attention by Blake Harvard
Contract grading part 3: communication with parents and advisors by Greg Jacobs
Cognitive Load Theory and its Applications for Learning by Scott Young
A No-Equipment Move That Seriously Challenges Your Abs by Anna Maltby (Better Humans)
How to Fix Foot Pain (‘Plantar Fasciitis’ & Other Common Problems) by Aaron Horschig and Kevin Sonthana
CWS Market Review – December 28, 2021 by Eddy Elfenbein
Here Are My Exact Tools (and Costs) I Use To Run My Six-Figure Writing Business by Anthony Moore
Electrify Everything in Your Home by Rewiring America
How to design a house to last 1000 years (Part I) by Brian Potter
How to design a house to last 1000 years (part II) by Brian Potter
How to design a house to last for 1000 years (part III) by Brian Potter
What a dead salmon can teach us about how we use machines by Peter Attia
Late sports psychologist Trevor Moawad's impact and legacy in college football by Alex Scarborough (ESPN)
The Genius of John Madden by Bryan Curtis (The Ringer)
Why Did the WTA Risk Everything for Peng Shuai? by Jon Wertheim (Sports Illustrated)