Why Do They Get What I Want? by Tilly Dillehay (Desiring God)
Luke 4:21-30 by Rob Myallis
Holy Distractions by Jon Bloom (Desiring God)
Greek Words for Love (1 Corinthians 13) by Rob Myallis
Receive the Gift of Limits by Christine Gordon (The Gospel Coalition)
Luke 5:1-11 by Rob Myallis
Let Tragedy Find Us Living by Greg Morse (Desiring God)
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
“Here we go again” by Seth Godin
How to Win the Great British Bake Off by Kieran O’Hare (Every)
The Benefits Of Learning How To Lose by Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness
You Don’t Need to Discover God’s Will by Aimee Joseph (The Gospel Coalition)
The Man of God You Could Become by Bobby Jamieson (Desiring God)
The 4 Identities of a Teacher by Tiago Forte
Why Don’t We Use the Math We Learn in School? by Scott Young
Minto Pyramid by Adam Amran
Choke Points and Pitfalls in Studying by Blake Harvard
How to teach AP students to derive equations? Annotate. by Greg Jacobs
The cost of getting lean by Ryan Andrews and Brian St. Pierre (Precision Nutrition)
Andrew Huberman’s Morning Routine, Backed by Neuroscience by Dan Shipper, Julie Mosow, and Eric Thompson (Every)
Light, flexible school shoes the best option for kids: new research by Shayan Quinlan (The University of Sydney)
Casualties of Your Own Success by Morgan Housel
The Rules by Joshua Brown
The Presence Prison by Jason Fried
Everything in Your Fridge Causes and Prevents Cancer by David Epstein
Nine holes of Pinehurst area thoughts: Hole 5 – Moving on Up. by David Hill
Most Valuable Role Player by Rob Mahoney (The Ringer)
A Little Ditty about Renovations, Restorations, and the Lack Thereof in Canada by Zachary Car (Beyond the Contour)
11 municipal courses that are getting the love they deserve by Derek Duncan (Golf Digest)