We Stand for Truth Himself by David Mathis (Desiring God)
John 13:31-35 by Rob Myallis
The Word of God Is Worth the Work by Scott Hubbard (Desiring God)
John 10:22-30 by Rob Myallis
Leadership/Personal Growth/Parenting
Why I Walk by Chris Arnade
312: Anxiety and Time by Nat Eliason
To Perform Your Best, Let Go by Steve Magness
Don’t Keep Your Distance! by Anna Meade Harris (The Gospel Coalition)
Make better decisions using neuroscience by Sarah Cottingham
On Writing by Matt Labash
Slow-Reading is the New Deep Learning by David Handel
Introductory Physics Labs: A Tale of Two Transformations by Steven Frederick Wolf and Mark W. Sprague (The Physics Teacher)
95%-ile isn't that good by Dan Luu
Supporting Students in Science as a Way of Thinking – Rather Than as a Way of Getting the Right Answer by Brooke Gorman (NextGenScience)
Club Head Speed: Reverse Engineered by Mike Carroll
What are BCAAs—and are they worth it? by Helen Kollias (Precision Nutrition)
Are nitrates the next big thing for athletic performance? by Peter Attia
13 Tips to Create a Nightly Routine to Sleep Better by Casey Meserve (WHOOP)
Avoid Burnout and Increase Awareness Using Ultradian Rhythms by Brad Buzzard
How I Am Helping (and Inspiring) My Child to Graduate from College Debt-Free by May Yang
Cash—Kingmaker or Killer? by Kyle Harrison (Every)
The Arc of the Practical Creator by Lawrence Yeo
Tokengated Commerce by Packy McCormick
CWS Market Review – May 10, 2022 by Eddy Elfenbein
A Cosmos Indoors by Andrew O’Hagan (London Review of Books)
Mechanical Watch by Bartosz Ciechanowski
Secrets of the Moon’s Permanent Shadows Are Coming to Light by Jonathan O'Callaghan (Quanta Magazine)
Twitter as a City-State by Nathan Baschez
Computer Files Are Going Extinct by Simon Pitt
Crypto’s Failed Promise by Evan Armstrong (Every)
10 Ways to Improve Your Course Strategy and Lower Scores by David MacKenzie
Real Madrid’s latest miracle is a tale of 88 seconds and one Ancelotti video by Sid Lowe (The Guardian)
Perry Maxwell, genius architect, lasting legacy by Chris Swafford (Golf Oklahoma)